As a storyteller, I am drawn to the ragged edges of people, places, and dreams.

On creating Water Finds a Way:

"Water always finds a way back to the sea, and maybe you will, too…"

So writes the grandfather of the novel’s protagonist, Blake Alvares, in his final note to her–words that provide her a path out of darkness and from which this book found its final title.

As a person who feels deeply connected to land and place, I knew setting would feature prominently in my writing. For the characters in Water Finds a Way, the ocean is omnipresent, the thread that weaves past and present. While it functions as the source from which some derive their income, it is also a grave and a horizon, a threat and a refuge. Most importantly, it is the force that causes the lives of these very different characters to intersect in surprising ways.

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Featured in Prep Magazine

Water Finds A Way and I were featured in the St. John's Prep's Fall/Winter 2024 issue of Prep Magazine. Huge thanks to the St. John’s Prep community...

Featured in W&M Magazine

Water Finds A Way was featured by The College of William & Mary Magazine in the Alumni Book Roundup December 2024 list of winter book recommendations...

Barnes & Noble Signing Event

What an honor to return to my hometown to sign copies of my debut novel, Water Finds A Way, on Sunday, December 2nd at the Barnes & Noble at MarketStreet in Lynnfield, Massachusetts...

Books & Books Signing Event

While visiting beautiful Key West, I had the amazing opportunity to sign copies of my debut novel, Water Finds A Way, at fellow author and writer Judy Blume's  bookstore, Books & Books...

Guest on A Mighty Blaze

Caroline Leavitt, Bestselling Author and Host of the LIT FIC series by A Mighty Blaze, kindly invited me as a guest to discuss the launch of my novel, Water Finds A Way...

Contact Meghan


Felicia Eth Literary Representation
555 Bryant St. Suite 350
Palo Alto, CA 94301 [email protected]


Elizabeth Shreve
Shreve Williams Public Relations
[email protected]

Email Meghan directly